07760 342327  Whatsapp us

What to expect in the field

We have a 10 acre field secured all round with 4ft high stock fencing and access via 5 bar gates. 

There are three wooden benches to rest on, all around the perimeter. 

There are 2 watering stations, one as you enter / exit the field and one in the middle of the field, towards the bottom. These are fed with fresh water and are cleaned periodically. 

The grass can get long between cuts but there is always a path around the perimeter to follow. 

The lower half of the field is wetter than the top, so if it's been raining remember your wellies. 


There is ample hardstanding parking at the farm

Other animals

We have cats and chickens that roam the farm so please ensure your dogs are kept under control and on their leads until you enter the farm. If your dog injures, or worse, another animal and it is not on a lead or in control then we will pass on vet bills etc. to you. 

The Woods

At the bottom of the field is Horse Ghylls woods – if you have time we’d recommend exploring, it really is beautiful! Please note that access is through two wooden gates and that once through these gates you enter public land that is not fenced. You may well encounter people with dogs as well as wildlife. We’d recommend that if your dogs recall is not 100% that you keep them on a lead while visiting the woods. You’d need to leave the woods and field before the end of your session as access is only via the field.


There are two watering stations, one at the entrance to the field (accessible from both inside and outside the field) and one in the middle of the field, towards the bottom. These are both automatically filled with fresh water and periodically cleaned out. 

There is also a tap/hose by the brown stable where you can hose off your dog and your wellies after your walk.